Is 60 Too Old to Start Sailing?

1,678 views  |   February 3rd, 2023 

We are often asked whether age is a barrier to sailing, and our response is always a resounding no. People of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy sailing, so if you are aged 60 to 65 or above, let us put your mind at rest…

60 is not too old to start sailing; you should not let age hold you back. The open water awaits for anybody who wants to start as a beginner, no matter their age. Our Competent Crew Practical Course is a perfect introduction to beginners aged 60 to 65 years and over.

 If you’re still reticent about your age stopping you from learning to sail, don’t be. We’ve recently had people in their eighties signing up with First Class Sailing. In fact, we had a 94 year old lady come sailing with us on our classic boat Golden Vanity last year.

Providing you have the mobility and agility to sail, you won’t be held back based on your age.

But what exactly does that mean?

Below we explain why 60 is not too old to learn to sail, and what we mean by mobility and agility.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be super fit and agile to learn to sail. The reality is, once you start sailing, you will soon start to develop muscle tone as the boat is constantly moving. It’s something that almost everyone can enjoy as a recreational activity, a competitive sport, or even as a new way of life.

Can I learn to sail at 60 or 65?

Yes, you can learn to sail at 60. Sailing offers a break from the normality of daily life and is an opportunity to connect with nature, either as a calming journey, a thrilling ride, or perhaps somewhere in-between.

Despite the many health and mental well-being benefits to sailing, often people aged 60 and above will hesitate to take it up, fearing age is a barrier. Their concerns will typically be whether they have the physical ability to keep up with the demands of sailing.

Our Competent Crew course for beginners is suitable for people of average fitness. It’s what we recommend for anyone wanting to get started.

RYA Competent Crew

Beginner course for those wanting to start sailing at 60 and above

The perfect introduction for anyone aged 60 and above who wants to learn how to sail is the RYA Competent Crew Practical Course. It’s widely considered to be the best introduction to sailing for beginners so is the perfect starting point if you have done little or no sailing before.

On this five day course you will learn everything you need to know to become a useful crew member, including personal safety, seamanship and helmsmanship.

Throughout the course you’ll sleep and eat on the yacht, and you’re welcome to attend by yourself, with friends, family, or a partner. We aim to visit a different marina, harbour, or anchorage each evening.

Is the RYA competent crew course physically demanding?

The sailing you do on the Competent Crew course will require you to complete some physical tasks, including handling of sails and ropes, handling a dinghy, steering the boat, and navigating the deck.

The level of physical activity involved will vary based on the size and style of the boat, as well as the water conditions. Providing you are in reasonably good shape, you should find Competent Crew the perfect way to learn sailing in your sixties.

The course aims to be open to potential sailors of all ages and physical capabilities, with a primary emphasis on education and enjoyment, rather than intense and demanding physical effort.

Still not sure?

Let us quickly dispel some of the myths about age and sailing.

Misconceptions on age and starting to sail

Despite the many advantages of sailing on both a mental and physical level, there are still those who might think 60 is too old to start sailing. Whilst physical exertion may be involved, sailing can be enjoyed at a pace that suits the individual.

As we get older, our physical abilities change, but this doesn’t mean that we can no longer enjoy sailing. The key to enjoying sailing in later life is to adapt to physical limitations and perhaps make a few considerations along the way.

For example, if like many of us who get older your eyesight isn’t as sharp as it was thirty years ago, you could now wear glasses. When sailing, consider having them attached to a lanyard around your neck.

Perhaps you have concerns other age-related hearing impairment. There are many deaf sailors, and it should not be a barrier to learning to sail. On the Competent Crew course you will learn with a crew of other people who want to work as a team, all pulling together and supporting each other.

Aside from the physical, sailing aged 60 and over offers a great mental workout as sailors must navigate the open water and overcome challenges. Whether it is handling changing weather conditions or working as a team, sailing offers a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

In conclusion, for older adults aged 60 to 65, sailing can be an excellent way to maintain mental sharpness and face new challenges.

Still have questions and concerns?

If you are unsure that 60 to 65 is too old to sail, please do contact us and speak to a real person. We can answer any concerns you might have and quickly assess your suitability to the course. You can also read more about why people aged 60 and above have chosen to learn to sail with First Class Sailing on this link.

Posted by: First Class Sailing


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